Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Born to be wild

In the news today: Celebrity chimp missing in Southern California. Probably not very good for Moe (his name) and everybody in the area, I think he deserves a break. From the LA Times article:

Moe showed up at local ribbon-cutting ceremonies and helped sell Girl Scout cookies, dressed sportily in the latest fashion.

Very abusive, if you ask me, but probably not entirely without his consent, or otherwise hell could break lose. From the same article, here is what a gang of chimps can do to a person:

The 65-year-old former NASCAR driver lost all of his fingers, an eye, his nose, parts of his cheek and lips, and pieces of his torso to attacking chimpanzees in 2005. The animals pounced after apparently becoming jealous that Davis was preparing to present a birthday cake to Moe at their refuge.

Sometimes docile, sometimes nasty. Kinda like us, huh? Luyckily we have advanced culture to put some break when our instincts show up.

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