Monday, May 12, 2008

Neo-Neo-Darwinism or a new paradigm?

Very interesting interview with Piatelli-Palmarini. So far, his ideas are way outside mainstream scientific consensus. He is co-authoring a book with Jerry Fodor about evolution with mechanisms other than natural selection. More specifically, physical invariant principles shaping organisms. It does not get away with natural selection entirely, but intends to reduce its role in evolution. Unfortunately, it might be interpreted as good ammunition to Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, although it is serious Science. The book is expected to late 2009. Meanwhile, Stuart Kaufman's Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion is out. This one, unfortunately, might be a much easier involuntary propaganda to Creationists. I'll keep my eyes open for further developments.

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