Thursday, February 12, 2009

Toddlers' Gesturing Linked To Later Vocabulary And School Readiness

Toddlers' Gesturing Linked To Later Vocabulary And School Readiness

"ScienceDaily (Feb. 12, 2009) — Children who convey more meanings with gestures at age 14 months have much larger vocabularies at 54 months than children who convey fewer meanings and are accordingly better prepared for school, according to research at the University of Chicago published in the journal Science on Friday, Feb. 13."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Evolang 8: 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The following scholars have agreed to participate as plenary speakers in EVOLANG 8, 2010:

Stephen Anderson (Yale)
Morten Christiansen (Cornell)
Terrence Deacon (Berkeley)
Peter Gardenfors (Lund)
Marc Hauser (Harvard)
Wil Roebroeks (Leiden)
Eors Szathmary (Budapest)
Maggie Tallerman (Newcastle)

The conference dates are 14-17 April, 2010. The conference will take place at the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. The current plan is to schedule two or three workshops on Saturday the 17th, in the afternoon, and a general public symposium on Tuesday 13th.

Thanks go to Rudie Botha and his local organizing team for progress so far.

A call for submissions will be circulated very shortly.

Best wishes,
Jim Hurford